The sky's the limit

Friday, August 22, 2014

The raw intellectual horsepower syndrome

"The raw intellectual horsepower"
That is the new "trendy" name for human intellect.
What can I say? We have reached a new low while trying to use fancy "expert" jargon that none needed at the first place.

Can I just simply vent how much I hate this in both the academic world and the real world? (by real world, I mean companies of course!). Whenever there is a trend, everyone picks it up.... Oh please! "outside of the box" era has finally ended, when the other ones started: "entrepreneurial spirit", "disruption era", "Young professionals", "change agents"... oh please, for goodness' sake just stop it. We transform every simple daily word into a fancy one, and look for a newer and fancier one once everyone gets used to the previous... "Raw intellectual horsepower"! Come on people!

Here is a list:
- Holacracy
- Business process re-engineering
- Lean management
- Rank & Yank System
- Pain Point
- PowerPointless

No... the list is just too long!
Enjoy the weekend instead :)

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