The sky's the limit

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Nothingness is fine

"I am better than god, more evil than the devil, poor people have me and rich people want me. What am I?"

They say the answer is "nothing". Nothing is better than god, nothing is more evil than the devil, poor people have nothing, and rich people want nothing.

Everything revolves around nothingness. 
Somehow, it is comforting to know. No matter how successful you get, you will be nothing, and no matter how much you screw up, it is the same.
The fear of many is to die and leave nothing behind, like if they never existed. The greatest of them produced monuments, art, science... left trace of their existence centuries after their corpses dissolved. The most power-hungry of them left pages and books in history recording the tales of their wars, victories and failures, and the amount of people who died in between. And the most common of them, they tried - mostly with success, rarely with failure - to produce offspring to carry something as meaningless as a family name.

Such a relief to see all this insanity will disappear. We are not eternal, luckily. Our refusal to cope with this fact does not change anything to the equation. We will all disappear, like civilizations before us, like species before us. And that is fine. Because "eternal nothingness is fine if we happen to be dressed for it".

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