The sky's the limit

Friday, October 04, 2013

The 'why' is absurd!

The idea of seeking meaning from life is simply absurd! We are obsessed by the why of things, we always want to know the reason behind things. This shows through our reasoning, way of thinking, the way we evaluate things, and even in our statistical conclusions. While in reality, even in mathematics and statistics, we only reach correlations (the relationship between two variables) and hardly causality which is a mere hypothesis or conclusion our brains induce to us.

What about the what of things? Can’t we just take things as they are, understand them without trying to question the reason behind them? We know that a sunrise is beautiful, we know what it is and how the beautiful colors are formed and from what, do we really need to pursue the reason why the sun rises? Or why is it beautiful?

The same concepts apply to life. Life is life. Simple, let’s take events of life as they are, understand them, but there is no need to pursue the meaning of it. It didn’t help the previous ones and it won’t help us anyway. Even if we have theories explaining the meaning of it all, would it really change what life is? The fact is existence is empty, but this emptiness leaves us with plenty of space to fill it with whatever and whoever we want, and that’s all I need. I would love to fill it with knowledge, knowledge of everything I can, and take pleasure by doing it. And then there is love, without questioning or explaining, and then kids, and music… and everything that reminds you that you are still alive.

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