The sky's the limit

Friday, October 11, 2013

Ode to Rumi

I want that love that moved the mountains.
I want that love that split the ocean.
I want that love that made the winds tremble.
I want that love that roared like thunder.
I want that love that will raise the dead.
I want that love that lifts us to ecstasy.
I want that love that is the silence of eternity.

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

"I pity you" he said... I pity myself!

The "one" does not exist.
Or I lost it maybe… Too bad that life does not turn around love a bit more, too bad that parents, culture, money and so on, force us to make tough decisions.

“Santa does not exist”. I want a relationship consultant as well!

“ – What if I have to leave, what would you do?
-         -  I don’t know… what if it was me?
-         -  I would leave with you”

Love makes a fool out of us. How stupid must have I sounded. I am apparently, and I won’t deny it. What I cannot deny neither is these questions that keep coming to my mind “is this right for you?”, “would this person make you truly happy?”, "whould he really stand up for you? Be at your side?". I wonder. If  he does not even know what he wants… maybe it is time to move on, to find a person that is not scared to look like a fool sometimes, to show me how much love counts, a bit more than papers or money… a bit more than everything.

I don’t want to lose who I am, I don’t want to lose the fact that I care too much, way too much; because it is who I am, and to be honest, I do like it too. But no caring stays for long if no caring is shared back.

Maybe I should just pack my things and leave.

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Knoweldge, feeling and desire... all for change

My head is spinning!
With delight, fear and excitement!
I want more changes, and I am ready for them.
In the meanwhile, I am running tonight!

Sunday, October 06, 2013

Soul lost - if found plz call!

People are afraid to end up alone
To die alone.
And that is why they look for the person that they can spend the rest of their life with...
They don't want to sleep on their side, alone, facing the wall or their closet. It is almost the same as dying alone.

Even if the mind has been seduced, has the soul been found?

Friday, October 04, 2013

The 'why' is absurd!

The idea of seeking meaning from life is simply absurd! We are obsessed by the why of things, we always want to know the reason behind things. This shows through our reasoning, way of thinking, the way we evaluate things, and even in our statistical conclusions. While in reality, even in mathematics and statistics, we only reach correlations (the relationship between two variables) and hardly causality which is a mere hypothesis or conclusion our brains induce to us.

What about the what of things? Can’t we just take things as they are, understand them without trying to question the reason behind them? We know that a sunrise is beautiful, we know what it is and how the beautiful colors are formed and from what, do we really need to pursue the reason why the sun rises? Or why is it beautiful?

The same concepts apply to life. Life is life. Simple, let’s take events of life as they are, understand them, but there is no need to pursue the meaning of it. It didn’t help the previous ones and it won’t help us anyway. Even if we have theories explaining the meaning of it all, would it really change what life is? The fact is existence is empty, but this emptiness leaves us with plenty of space to fill it with whatever and whoever we want, and that’s all I need. I would love to fill it with knowledge, knowledge of everything I can, and take pleasure by doing it. And then there is love, without questioning or explaining, and then kids, and music… and everything that reminds you that you are still alive.

Thursday, October 03, 2013

Relax - опустити

I have encountered a really impressive video the other day; the speaker meant for it to be demotivational, but truth to be said, it gave me the push, and most importantly, the smile I needed.
So basically, this man gave 9 life lessons, and although I hate all these posts and videos that summarizes everything in a number (5 things leaders do, 10 things you should know to build a career… and all this bullshit), I really fell in love with them so much that I will list them here and share my impressions.

1 – You don’t have to have a dream
As stupid as it might sound, this is fucking liberating! Why would I have a dream? Social norm? Who cares? We have been brought up this way. We need to accomplish something big. But why? Or, some would say: why not? Why not… well, because it’s a complete waste of time. Dreams are big – unlike small goals… and by the time you would accomplish it (if you ever do), you would have a foot on the grave already and no time left to enjoy your accomplishment. Micro ambitions are good, because at least you live multiple micro accomplishments and pleasures.

2 – Don’t seek happiness. Happiness is like an orgasm, if you think about it too much, it goes away!
I couldn’t agree more. And it is hilarious because it’s so true. The more we try to force it, the further we are from making it happen. And yes, I speak about both.
On a more serious note, we are living in a world where the gap between expectations and reality makes us miserable. And the more you surround yourself with people (who are all as miserable themselves as you are – although they don’t show it), the more miserable you get. It’s a vicious circle and unfortunately we did not evolve to be happy beings; these have been extinct already. Is it the right rule of survival / natural selection or not? That is not the question, it is simply a fact. So what to do to make life more bearable? Give up, no need to ask why as long as you understand the what… and get busy trying to make someone else happy! You might get some happiness in return.

3 – Remember all your luck
We are real ungrateful bastards! We forget way too quickly everything good we have. And every single one in this planet have something they can feel lucky about. Even the dying ones.
So yes, feel lucky and forget your failures, understand and accept them, and stop blaming everything and everyone for them. That would help to be compassionate about others’ failures, and luckily, empathy is something we all can work on.

4 – Exercise!
That is something I do not do, and I should! It’s one of the best ways to keep us away from this long luxurious life ahead that makes us so depressed. Luxurious simply because now everything is easier to have. And technology will even make it easier and easier. Think about our ancestors that had to hunt to bring food to the table, and how we casually go to McDonald’s to grab a bite.
Let’s RUN! And avoid this existential anxiety.

5 – Be hard on your opinions
And this is something we don’t do… or barely. We have no critical view on our own opinions, no identification of biases that makes us subjective somehow. On the other hand we are excellent at doing it with others’ opinions.

“Opinions are like assholes, and everyone has one”

6 – Be a teacher!
We should all be amazing teachers! If not as a profession, at least as a way of life by sharing our ideas and knowledge. Knowledge is not granted, and it doesn’t hurt to share it with others.

7 – Define yourself by what you LOVE
I remember my first interview for a job just before the end of Uni, and when they asked me what I wanted to do, I said: “not Finance”.
It is incredible how we define ourselves by what we hate, always in opposition of things while we need to express our PASSION towards what we love, we need to be pro-things and not anti-things. Praise! Never be greedy on praising who we love, what we love and what we respect in life.

8 – Respect people who has less power than you
This was clearly not a discovery for me, maybe because I have been raised in an environment that taught me to do so, to respect the powerless and to value who they are and what they do to keep on going. But what I also do is judging people on the way they treat the ones less powerful than them. We form opinions and value judgments about everything around us after all.

“You don’t already need to know what you are going to do with the rest of your life”.
This was liberating as well! We are mainly lost in this big, big world that is rushing us and letting us rush ourselves; and it is comforting to know that not knowing is OKAY! Of course, sitting on the couch 24/7 and waiting for something to happen won’t do the trick, but there is no need to panic if nothing comes as quick as we would like it to.