The sky's the limit

Friday, August 02, 2013

Lust, love and us

1 blog post a day keeps the psychologist away!
And what a video we've seen yesterday. The most fascinating subject of all: lust! Applied psychology is definitely interesting. The video was about how lust affects and influences us in all aspects of our decision making and behavior.

The (shocking) insight for me was that the evolution made men want to stand out from the crowd to be picked by females as mates (all goes back to a very sophisticated desire to insure survival and reproduction), while women try to show their kindness which would lead males to think that they will be good mothers worthy to raise their offspring. Even nature is apparently against women. While men look for impregnating as many as they can, women look for raising kids and having a family.

Somehow, I do feel that it's absolutely unfair. Being raised by a very moderate feminist mother (the rest comes from my own crooked personality I suppose), I have learned for years and years that men and women are equal. I believe that still, and I also believe that there is no general "women" behavior and "men" behavior... although I heard these comments (too) often, that's why I would like to list here some comments I've heard and I despise hearing (list not in order and definitely not exhaustive):

  • Women are so jealous
  • Women lack confidence
  • Women are so obsessed by shoes, bags and haute couture brands
  • Women are such drama queens
  • Women are so weak
  • Women cry for no reason (get real, there is ALWAYS a reason)
  • Women are so complicated, while men are so simple
  • Women belong to the kitchen
  • It's the job of women to take care of their family (kids + husband) while men need to provide (money) for the house
  • Women like men to take control over them
  • Men are assertive while women are winning and nagging
  • Women are less ambitious
  • Women are afraid to speak up and take credit
  • Blond women are dumb and brunettes are slutty
  • Women can be judged upon their beauty while men are judged upon their success
  • Beautiful women are perceived as being smarter, more social and better sex performers
  • Menopausal women serve for nothing anymore and their life is over
  • Women who have multiple sexual partners are sluts while men with multiple sexual partners are successful and desirable
  • Women who have a one night stand are sluts while men are winners, free and refuse to have tights
  • Unmarried women after a certain age are old maids after their expiacy date while men have no specific age limit
  • Women are supposed to be nurses and business assistants while men are supposed to be doctors and managers
  • Women who still have pleasurable activities while having kids are bad mothers while men with kids and family can still enjoy pleasurable activities such as fishing, hiking and still be good fathers
  • Married women who cheat on their husbands are worse than married men who cheat on their wives
  • Women are looking for a rich husband to marry
  • Women are bad drivers
  • Women are bad at Maths, exact science and technology
  • Women are too sensitive
  • Drinking, smoking and swearing are vulgar when done by a women (not women behavior)
  • Women are sneaky
  • Women are selfish
  • Women want it all and yet they don't want anything
  • Women are irrational
  • Women don't make sense
  • Women like shiny things
  • Women are easily influenced by media and society
  • Women dream too much
  • Women are uncomfortable with themselves
  • "women = boobs"
As you see, most of these (mis)conceptions come from pornography, Barbie dolls and Disney movies! And women are expected to be with men who view them this way... worse, they are expected to like, love and want to raise a family with this type of men, according to evolution!
What this video did is basically confirming all of these (mis)conceptions by saying that the evolution made us wired this way.
Nature, I am really disappointed in you.

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