What a bitter world and what a bitter person I've become! Yet I am
only 27... For my youngest cousin (not even 3 months), I might seem as old as a
dinosaur, but relatively speaking, that's still young, and yet! As my dearest
friend said "if you are bitter when you are 27, what would you become when
you are 50? The crazy cat lady?". That definitely gave me the idea, or the
push I needed to get a cat!
Maybe he is not
wrong after all. Well, certainly he isn't! I take back the "maybe".
I am so bugged
about this feeling that all I am thinking about right now is two alternatives:
1 - Either stop caring
at all... why should I anyways? Let's act cool. I mean, the motto is to never
expect anything, right?
OR 2 - Bail out. Why? Because I would like to avoid any possible conversation.
Explaining myself in the most stupid way is only possible in this
"safe" space. So yes, bailing out is the easiest way, no?
Thinking of it, if
there is no intuitive understanding of what is going on, it simply means:
1 - They don't
care at all, or don't even bother
OR 2 - we do not
have common goals, understanding or expectations. Not sharing a common vision.
Both meanings are
bad. So what should I do then?
And god I am
structured today!
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