The sky's the limit

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

This is a time loop

The state of overall unsatisfaction can be pretty crushing sometimes.
What am I looking for really? I am actually good, when compared to my environment. Why do I have the feeling that I always want more? Why can't I simply be at peace with myself and be satisfied once and for all?
Is this a disease? Can I get medication for this?
I am not able, and sometimes it feels like physically unable, to feel satisfied for long... why?
It is becoming extremely painful, especially for the people surrounding me I guess. Very difficult to keep on being joyful when I know that I am not. When I know that all I want is lie down in bed and never move out from there. This is my daily struggle... having enough energy and will to stand up and move from that place. And yet, this is my daily routine:
- wake up at 7:35
- toilet / bathroom while checking the usual disgusting weather and thinking about what I will have to wear for the day
- wear whatever I could find and is weather-appropriate 
- putting on make up with such a hassle, to cover up these tired eyes
- preparing my coffee, drinking it while playing a stupid game on my tablet
- put on some perfume and leave the house around 8:45
- go to the car park, then to work
- reaching my work place at 9:10, log in, work
- taking my lunch break with the usual people at 12 sharp
- come back after a walk "around the cow" to my desk at 1pm
- work until 5:30 - 5:35
- go back home
- check my tablet, social networks, play a bit in the same stupid game
- clean something if the will is there... 
- order or cook some food
- eat
- shower
- go to bed to watch a series
- sleep

And the next morning, the same unsatisfying feeling is haunting me, then the same wish to stay in my bed forever and never move. The same fears, the same suffocated dreams.

It must be difficult to be around me. I feel it is difficult to be around myself.

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