The sky's the limit

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

I was born for longing the past

I really miss my life before social media.
It has a unique quality or flaw to show the best and worst of us.

I miss the internet before social media.
I am tired of Facebook and Instagram, Snapchat, Whisper, all of it...
It shows too much. It creates fake realities... imaginary ones... the "what would I be if I could...".
It shows us humans at our darkest and shallowest.

I miss life before social media.
When people had to keep contact with the closest people to them instead of having them listed as their "friends" or "followers"... And simply spy on them once in a while, if and when nothing shows up in the wall feed...

I miss reality. I feel further away from it every day.
I miss real feelings, I miss real time fillers... you know, when you had to read a book while bored?
I remember when I was a kid, I used to take that heavy dictionary and parts of the huge encyclopedia at home... and simply wonder through their pages... let my brain bow in respect and fascination to all the knowledge available out there.
Kids today will not have these amazing moments... They see their parents handing over their smart phones and tablets as soon as they make an attempt to cry! Too sad.

Humanity is getting dumber by the day.

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