The sky's the limit

Thursday, August 30, 2012

At the end of "Everything"... Fascination

Human feelings had always been that fascinating mystery that I could never understand. Even my own. It's as fascinating as the light of the moon in a dark but clear night sky... It calls you, it longs for you, it whispers your name.

We, humans, do like to make everything around us so complicated, and, although we know  the logical answers to all our questions, although we know what we are supposed to do, we still put ourselves in dilemmas and then blame the whole universe for it. Amazingly fascinating, isn't it? We have so many desires that are simply the opposite of what logic tells us, of common sense... and yet, we do enjoy these situations, don't we? Those forbidden emotions that takes our bodies and feelings to a new dimension, where every single feeling like fear, desire, love and shame are suddenly multiplied and amplified to the point where pain and pleasure are utterly the same, just alike. Or, our body starts reacting to it all evenly. Maybe.

I wonder if we do enjoy all of this? Do we have some sort of ancient gene in our DNA that makes us attracted to everything complex, dark and confusing? Do we enjoy living in contradictions, pain, as long as it brings us that confused feeling of joy, that forbidden pleasure? Maybe we just like to be "special", or cared for? Human beings are such weird creatures after all, we do need a language to communicate and yet we do not understand who we are. But, maybe, that is exactly the point, the beauty of it, to feel it, see it, and not understand it, to keep the waiting and prolong that fascinating pleasure.

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