The sky's the limit

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Just a passing thought...

I was thinking the other day about the previous blog I had (in French)… And I realised that, although I haven’t been writing for a couple of years, I am not capable of brining any inspired thought, or positive for that matter. When I read my posts again, all I see is saddness.

I am quiet skeptical, realistic with a tendancy of pessimism, but maybe this is exactly my drive. Thinking about it, human beings, seek comformity even in anti-comformism. At the end of the journey, all we want is to avoid being alone, dying alone, miserable. It is not something we can avoid, we are born alone and we will die alone, but we all want to have that comforting thought that we will have people around, people that love us and comfort us. This might be the ultimate fear, not being remembered, or even worse, not having anyone feeling the difference between our living state and when our existence just stops there.

We have just reached 7 billion people in this planet; not all of them will remember us or will notice any difference. This is just normal. The saddest part would be that none at all would notice. We all read about these old people, especially in Europe, who die in their lonely appartments without anyone knowing, until the morbid smell of a rotting flesh reaches other habitants. No one should have this kind of goodbye. Is life really worth living? Great question really, but it certainly is when we live our lives fully, with no regrets.

Do I have regrets? Maybe, maybe not… But I know that if I had to go through many things I lived again, I would certainly change it all.

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