The sky's the limit

Thursday, July 30, 2015

The loneliest times

I am pregnant.
Half way through.
And to be honest, these are the loneliest times of my life.
It really pains me to admit... that I miss my life back sometimes.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Confessions of an addict

I am.
I am addicted to my own self-destruction.
And you are part of my addiction, and it will tear us apart.
But I will love it all along, even the destruction phase.
Although for now, I am abstinent, but soon, I will be back again.
And I will enjoy it, until it kills me.
It will be part of me again. I will enjoy it consuming me.
And instead of crying over "Fragile Dreams"and "Temporary Peace", I will smile at it again.
Because then I can.
Because it is who I am.
I am incapable of anything that is not the reason of my end.

"Life.. has betrayed me once again
I accept that some things will never change.
I've let your tiny minds magnify my agony
and it's left me with a chemical dependency .... for sanity."

It is said

Maybe I was too fast.
I like us together, alone.
I don't like us together, with others.
Too much potential lost.
Let us kill each other to the end!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Friday, July 10, 2015

Belgium, do you know where it is in the map?

In August, I will be living in Belgium for 7 years.
7 of the best years of my life. the holly 20s!
Do you even know where Belgium is?
It's a lost country in Western Europe, that, for some unknown reason, its capital, Brussels, became the Capital of Europe, or the European Union to be more accurate.
Not a lot of people have heard of Belgium actually. We can't blame them, it's very small (5th smallest country in the EU... which reminds me, have you ever heard of Andorra?!). It's a bit more than 1/3rd of the state of Louisiana! Nevertheless, it has 3 national languages (French, the only one I speak, Dutch and German).
The weather is an absolute hell all year long, and all the houses / streets and infrastructure are very narrow and small. However - please rejoice! - Belgium has the best beers, best chocolate (nope, Switzerland, sorry, but Belgian chocolate is the best), and best mussels ever!

I forgot though how it was to be my previous self.
I feel less and less who I was, or from where I was.
And although I don't feel Belgian in any way (yet?), I don't feel like a citizen of the world neither.
And unlike my early 20s, not giving myself a box that defines me doesn't bother me anymore. I do not feel any "identity crisis", quiet the opposite.
I finally feel free.