The sky's the limit

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Just sharing some happiness

This is funny!
I feel so happy, and I just felt sexy again for a second while preparing my coffee at work!
With my still so wobbly belly, and my jeans that no longer fit me now, I felt great. I didn't feel this concentration of happiness and emotions about myself in so long actually, and it feels simply great!

Sharing the positive vibe!
Great day ahead :)

Friday, April 01, 2016

Midnight trip

More than a month and a half of this! And not even a week has passed.
Just for the fun of it, I sometimes imagine myself picking up my things, putting my son in his trolley, and disappearing in the middle of the night, only to come back after it is all over. After my son is back to be my son, and my husband is back to be my husband, and my house is back to actually be mine.

Be patient, the wise said.. but I don't care what the world says. Patience has a limit, and I am already breaching it. Why should I be the one to be patient? I am patient enough not seeing my son the whole day, should I also give up on all my rights after this too? He is my son. I am his mother, only me.

Oh how I wish... for that middle of the night trip!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Go home and apologise to your mother

Writing is a process to forgive and forget.
With every word written, the memory fades away, slowely, and so does the pain.
I don't want to forget, and I don't want the pain to go away. I want to remember and I want it to hurt forever... Until the end of times.

No one will care for you and love you like your mother. So yes, you all go home and appologise for the ungratful creatures you have been throughout the years. Take a box of tissue on your way and cry it out.